Your competences for working with NEETs

There are 22 questions in this survey.

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Collective competences of a team and a network

If you have a group to work with, and you should solve together the same situation, which three actions would you consider to be essential to start working?


 EQUIPE, Interdependency, Cooperation, Equipe acknowledgement

How do you know if someone is a good group working person? Name several feature of a person that works well in groups

 EQUIPE, Interdependency, Cooperation, Equipe acknowledgement

Which medium do you use to communicate with your colleagues, other institutions, family, etc.? Would you like to master any other one?


In order to work with a young person and help him/her successfully (select as many options as you think, they can be more than just one)

Check any that apply

Evaluate every item from 1 (low) to 5 (high) depending on their importance for online working.

  1 2 3 4 5 No answer
Ask for help.
Offer your help in order to reinforce the solution to certain situations.
Listen actively to your colleagues proposals.
Adapt to changes.
Create a good environment.
Show enthusiasm.
Tolerance and flexibility must be shown towards others' contributions.

Motivational and empowerment competences

What would be the first you need to know about a demotivated young person that has very low self-esteem?


Who should organise, designed, structure and think about the NEET's actions? (If he/she is willing to take any formation course, or write a CV, or look for a job…)

Check any that apply

Which features do you identify with a motivated person? Name three features you consider more important.


In order to make a person trust in himself/herself, what does he/she need to know? Name three features you consider more important.


In order to empower or motivate a NEET, who is the one that needs to be aware of his/her competences and possibilities?

Check any that apply

Competences for management of change

Write some innovation developed in your work with this collective.


Do you think that emotions are important to make a change of attitude?


Evaluate every item from 1 (low) to 5 (high) depending on their importance for developing the learning to learn competence.

  1 2 3 4 5 No answer
Updating the knowledge constantly.
Adapting the recent data to each individual situation (surveys, training, work...).
Adapting to any context by using the available resources.
Handling challenges: Adapting to changes.
Handling challenges: Confronting pressure.
Handling challenges: Learning from mistakes.
Handling challenges: Managing frustration.
Analysing the problem, identifying risks, being precautions, and designing strategies.
Critical thinking, and constructive criticism.
Monitoring the process and making chronological sequence.
Reaching conclusions.
Coordinating activities.
Solving problems.

Do we need to take into account every suggestion the NEET makes?

Choose one of the following answers

General questions

How long have you been working in this field/sector?

Choose one of the following answers

Wich kind of training have you gotten?

Choose one of the following answers

Into which topic would you like to go more deeply with this group, related to group work?


Into which topic would you like to go more deeply to motivate and contribute to the NEETS empowerment?


Into which topic would you like to go more deeply to make the NEET confront the change?


Which method do you think would be the most appropriate to develop this Learning Unit COMWORK?

Choose one of the following answers

Which method do you think would be the most appropriate to work with the NEETS?