Proyecto Erasmus+ SELsMINE

SELsMINE : Enhance SEL skills of secondary school students through collaborative MINecraft gaming Environment

Erasmus+ 2021-2-PL01-KA220-SCH-000051335

Fecha de inicio: 01/05/2022 - Fecha de finalización: 31/05/2024


  • to promote SEL-skills instruction and learning practices in upper primary and lower secondary educational level to address the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic such as school closures, physical distancing and loss of familiar environments.
  • Our project approach and objectives will be implemented through:
    the development of a research-evidence based handbook with guidelines to implement and support Socio-Emotional Learning with Minecraft
    the development of a complete educational gameplay in Minecraft, consisted of all the required resources (challenges, lesson plans, resource packs, mods) that will facilitate educators to develop SEL game-based activities.


By helping HE institutions with pedagogical departments to extend their academic curricula with practical approaches towards remote PBL in combination with Game Based Learning, EPITOME aims to improve the current situation with respect to the teachers ability to deliver remotely, through virtual classrooms, the same quality of education they delivered in physical classrooms until now.
Reuniones transnacionales

Socios del proyecto EPITOME

Universidad de Valladolid




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